Denmark b. 1964

Through various expressions, photography, painting, print and mixed media I paint with time.

Life is not necessary perfect, but consist of a large number of peculiar leaning subtleties together creating the perfect impression.

With this I’m looking for the perfect in the imperfect.

Without feelings life and experience is not alive.

I’m only capturing pictures if I have a emotional experience myself. That’s the same way I want the viewer to perceive my pictures.

Life is about meetings and meetings happen constantly in life.

Meetings are meetings between people, elements, and structures and in a higher context meeting between existences on a mental and metaphysical level.

The title “Møder” / “Meetings” embrace in its simplicity all my photographic why I have defined this as the overall life title for all my projects.

Meetings are small and fine and meetings are violent and powerful.

In Meetings I met life and through Meetings I live my life.

Group Exhibitions: Gallerie Lorien

Nordic Light 2019

Global Goals X Art 2019

Loneliness of Man 2021

8 Year Birthday 2022